Articles and posts. Reviews of hardware wallets and seed phrase backups. New products. Hardware wallet market news

This article provides a useful guide to the best crypto hardware wallets under $100. It explores a variety of cold wallet options, discussing their unique features and benefits. It emphasises the importance of personal security measures in protecting your crypto. Ledger, OnKey, SafePal, CoolWallet, imKey, Ellipal, Blockstream Jade, Trezor.

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In the fast-paced crypto landscape, a clear trend has emerged: Asia is quickly becoming the epicenters of crypto innovation and investment. Countries such as China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Dubai are pioneering a more crypto-friendly approach compared to their Western counterparts, especially the USA and Europe.

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What is NFT (Non-fungible token) and where is it used? NFT trends and development prospects. How to sell an NFT token and make money on it. NFT is a non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a blockchain, a form of digital ledger, that can be sold and traded. Types of NFT data units may be associated with digital files (photos, videos, audio).

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Picking the Right NFT Marketplaces - Top Tips to Know. Consider market reputation, security features, fees, and user interface among other factors to find one that's right for your needs. If you haven’t landed on a hardware wallet just yet, OneKey has crypto, NFT, and DeFi wallets all with multi-chain support.

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