Articles and posts. Reviews of hardware wallets and seed phrase backups. New products. Hardware wallet market news

The proprietary nature of Ledger's firmware, coupled with their new seed recovery service, undermines the "Don't trust, verify" ethos of transparency and verification. Perhaps, the ideal solution would be a completely separate, dedicated product with its own firmware, providing users with the autonomy to choose. But until then, let us remember that while treading the fine line between convenience and security, we should never compromise the core principles of 100% offline cold storage and self-custody.

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Learn more about simple and secure hardware wallet setup. Crypto security guide.

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Tangem Wallet lets you store your crypto assets secure and easily accessible while keeping private keys contained in your card. How to create a private key for a crypto wallet with and without a seed phrase.

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Keepser, NFC hardware cold wallet card to secure crypto, private keys, seed phrases; Password vault. It is a contactless NFC device paired with an advanced security application: It is the easiest, most efficient, secure, cost-effective solution for investors in crypto and users requiring the highest level of security.

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